“Substitute ‘da…

“Substitute ‘damn’ every time you’re inclined to write ‘very;’ your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be.”
― Mark Twain

Swear words. They play far too major a role in my other job as mother. But that’s another post…

Using colorful language in writing can be both enhancing to the story when placed carefully and distracting when overused. Personally, I am always going for a PG rating on my posts. But the occasional PG-13 word is sometimes just too great to leave out. Of course, I have been known to substitute the Yosemite Sam version, as in “@#$!@@”, which is almost as good. 

Mark Twain is far too famous for his use of certain words. But aside from controversy that has been blown out of proportion in my opinion, he is a master at colorful language. I love his advice here. I had a teacher in high school that hated the word very also. I hear him admonishing me in my head whenever I type it. Thank you, Mr. Clemmons.

What is your policy on swearing? I’d be interested to hear your thoughts in the comments below.